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NZY LAMP Fluorescent dye 50x

Storage Conditions:
-85 °C to -15 °C
Fluorescent dye compatible with NZY Bst enzyme, adequate for qLAMP reporting in real-time PCR apparatus when measuring in the channel SYBR/FAM.
Ready to Ship
Blue Ice / Ice Packs
Unit Size
250 µL
Fluorescent dye compatible with NZY Bst DNA Polymerase, adequate for qLAMP reporting in real-time PCR apparatus when measuring in the channel SYBR/FAM.

NZY LAMP Fluorescent dye 50x is an optimized and highly efficient DNA intercalating fluorescent dye directly developed for Loop-mediated isothermal AMPlification (LAMP) assays. This fluorescent dye enables fast and highly reproducible procedures on the most common real-time PCR apparatus, given that it is excited and reports fluorescence using the SYBR/FAM channel, a ubiquitous fluorescence channel.

The latest progresses in LAMP technology were incorporated in the development of this dye, thus allowing for an accurate, reliable, and stable reporting of DNA. This guarantees that NZY LAMP Fluorescent dye 50x delivers sensitivity coupled with highly reproducible and fast LAMP protocols.
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Shipping Conditions Blue Ice
Storage Conditions -85 °C to -15 °C
Application LAMP, RT-LAMP
Features Highly fluorescent
Product Category LAMP
- NZY LAMP Fluorescent dye 50x
More Information
Shipping Conditions Blue Ice
Storage Conditions -85 °C to -15 °C
Application LAMP, RT-LAMP
Features Highly fluorescent
Product Category LAMP
More Information
Shipping Conditions Blue Ice
Storage Conditions -85 °C to -15 °C
Application LAMP, RT-LAMP
Features Highly fluorescent
Product Category LAMP


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