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Comparative Analysis of NZYSpeedy, NZYSupreme and Competitor qPCR Green Master Mixes

29 November, 2023

Traditional PCR mixes lack the speed and precision required for modern research. 

NZYSpeedy addresses the need for speed, while NZYSupreme tackles precision, presenting a solution to enhance PCR outcome.

Meet your needs with either the NZYSpeedy qPCR Green Master Mix or the NZYSupreme Green Master Mix — optimized for reproducibility, sensitivity, and speed in real-time PCR. Our NZYSpeedy (2x) ensures rapid, reproducible real-time PCR procedures, boasting the latest enhancements for ultra-sensitivity. Simultaneously, NZYSupreme (2x) redefines precision with a hot-start mechanism and robust enzymes for unparalleled detection sensitivity. Both master mixes come ready-to-use, providing a seamless experience for accurate gene expression analysis.

In our latest study, we've scrutinized the performance of NZYSpeedy and NZYSupreme against market competitors. The results showcase their superiority in sensitivity, reproducibility, and speed. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the detailed analysis—download the full benchmark report now.

Read Performance and Benchmark Report

Note: Both products optimized for intercalating green dye detection on various instruments.