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NZYTech at the Festival of Genomics

27 January, 2023

The Festival of Genomics is an annual event that brings together researchers, clinicians, and companies in the field of genomics to discuss the latest trends and innovations in the field. The festival's aim is to provide attendees with insights into the latest breakthroughs in the field of genomics, networking opportunities, and an opportunity to showcase the latest developments in genomic research.


This year, the festival took place in London and was attended by over 3,000 professionals in the field of genomics. Attendees included researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals from different parts of the world. NZYTech was among the companies that participated in the festival, accompanied by our product experts David Ribas and Andreia Gomes, ready to showcase our latest products and innovations to attendees and understand the unique needs of researchers and clinicians alike.